Category Archives: friendship bands

Star Burst Bauble/Hot Pad/Pendant

Star Burst

This is an extremely easy, fun project. We had this as part of a Weekly  challenge by my young,dynamic and talented pal, Tulasi K Reddy,  in our group and I just leapt at the chance…..mainly becos this was part of my to do list for the longest of time. It looks complicated to a novice but is really so easy and is an apt project for a beginner.


You can use any thread you wish just adjust the hook size accordingly.

I used:

Soft Feather Nature’s cotton in Turquoise green and cobalt blue

Hook Size: 3:00mm. This is my favourtie size for Nature’s cotton yarn.

Abbreviations Used:

sc – single crochet

dc – double crochet

ss – slip stitch


Make a Magic Circle

Round 1: Chain 3 up, 3dc, 4 chain; 4dc, 4 chain; 4dc, 4 chain; 4dc, 4 chain; ss.


Round 2: ss into the next dc; chain up and sc in same dc.

Now into the 3 chain loop –  sc,hdc,8 dc,hdc

sc in the second dc of previous round then repeat sc, hdc,8dc,hdc  in next loop….

Repeat until all 4 loops are covered.

Make 5 such squares


Joining the squares and forming another row around the squares:

Join the cobalt blue by an ss to the sc in between the 2 petals. then scs in every hdc and dc.

Continue until  you cover 2 petals or are mid way.


Now join the 2nd motif to the first using a sc.



Continue joining all the motifs one by one unitl you have a straight line.

Then continue the sc row on the lower part of every motif.

The pics I took of the joining part didn’t come out right….balancing the camera with one hand and trying to hold the petals open with another just didn’t work… am using this pic that I found in the net… show you how to join the motifs.

You need to take one half one petal of 2 motifs that lie adjecent to each other and join them with an sc…then move on to the next two petals. You will then get 5 petals.


Depending on the size you wish you can use yarn or thread.

Cotton Yarn gives a a size that cna be used as a coaster….Alternatively you can make this is 3  colours too….Using birght colours to use in a child’s room or jsut above the crib for your baby.

A talented crochet buddy, Dipti Mallapur, made this as a pendant in #40 thread and it looked glorious!

This is a great little piece to hook in when you just want to have fun and take it easy….I hope you do…

Have Fun!


Crochet Rose

Crochet Rose



Crochet Chronicles:

Aren’t roses beautiful? I have yet to meet a person who doesn’t love this glorious genre of flowers. And this is seen in the profusion of patterns created and posted by so many talented crocheters . So today I thought let me make a little rose to go with the hairband that I posted here last week.  This pattern is a very simple one and a very popular one as well….

Materials Used:

Red Rose Thread #10

Hook : 1.5 mm

Tapestry needle


Depending on how big and how many layers you want your rose to be…Hook in chains in multiples of 3….each 3 chains represents a petal. I am making a little rose to fit in with the hair band that I made.

Hook in 39 chains plus 3. Total 42 chains.

Row 1:

3 ch, skip 3 chains and dc in 4th chain; *3ch, skip 3chains and dc in 4th chain*….continue ** until the end. what you get is a pattern like a ladder…….with 3 chain loops.


Row 2:

Now we create the petal on top  of first row.

chain up, sc,hdc, 6 dcs, hdc,sc in the first 3 chain loop created.  hook in *sc,hdc, 6 dcs, hdc,sc*  in the next 3 chain loop and continue until the end.13187647_557521214435258_794491675_n


Now, slowly roll the petals using the ladder part as the stem. Make sure that when you roll the petals around each other it forms not the shape of a rose. Use a tapestry needle to sew the stem and the inner petals in place so that it stays together.


And voila…You have a lovely little rose…:-)


Here are some graphs to make roses uses different combinations of stitches in almost the same way.

crochet flower 46 crochet-flower-patterns-diagrams-craft-craft-6tsvetyi-kryuchkom-6-288x30073eeac1379aba76768baa0da84259d9a-2

Just to practice do try to make some of the other roses as well…..Enjoy yourselves..and above all ..Keep that smile on..Love and Hugs…:-)

Crochet Hearts

How to Crochet Hearts 


We women love to make hearts…..the fact that the diagrammatic representation of the heart has no similarity to the original organ hasn’t fazed us at all. We have decided that this is what we would like the organ to look like. Crocheters from all walks of life have created such beautiful designs that I find it difficult to choose which and what patterns to include here…1800352_363662473771684_616634949_n

 Basic and simple Heart Pendant


Method to Make this very simple Heart

Make a Magic Ring.

Then one chain, one sc, 1 hdc, 9 dcs, 1 trch (treble crochet), 9 dcs, 1 hdc, 1 sc each one chined into the ring.

ss into the base of the first chain.

Then pull on the tail of the magic ring to reduce the space of the loop…..Voila you have a lovely crochet heart…String it onto a satin or silk ribbon…and you have a lovely piece of jewellery…all made by yourself.


DSC_9525 DSC_9528 DSC_9529 DSC_9530 DSC_9532 DSC_9533 DSC_9534


Simple Heart Pattern with Tutorial( no Photo Tutorial here)d9668f314db645a3f5d46ff0b475e54c

Row 1:

Chain in 11 plus one  – Total 12 chains

Row 2:

Single Crochet into the next 11 chains, Turn

Row 3

1 ch up, sc in same loop, sc  into next 10 stitches.

Row 4 – Row 12

Repeat as in Row 3

After Row 12 . Cut thread and tuck in the tails.

Now you have the square base of the heart….The next step is to hook in the 2 arches that make the top portion of the Heart.

1.Join thread on the left side of the square at row 4 and chain in 5; ss in the 8th row.

2. Ch 5,  ss in the  first sc of row 12;

3. Double Treble Crochet: ( yo 3 times) into the half ring that you have created, Ch1;* Dtrch, 1ch*; Repeat ** 8 times…ss into the sc of the first row, after the last dtrch made.

4. Cut thread and tuck in.

To Make the arch of the heart on the other side…Join thread on the 12th row in the 4th sc, chain 5 then ss in the 8th sc of the same row.( counting from right to left)

The repeat steps 2, 3 and 4.

Voila a Beautiful Heart!!!


Different  Heart Patterns 



 Hanging Hearts


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Heart Pattern worked in Single Crochet



Heart Pattern Worked in Double Crochet            



Heart Pattern Worked as in a GSq..





Heart Edging 



Heart Basket 



 Heart Pouch




Heart Thorans/Buntings


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Crochet Heart Doily

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Pattern for Heart Cushion


Pattern For Heart Doily



 Irish Crochet Heart(Pattern in Flicker)


So see how easy it is to crochet a heart and how many types of crochet hearts are just waiting to be made by you…….As I always say…Have fun…enjoy the ride and keep that beautiful smile on…..The world needs intrepid and talented crafters like you!!!!

Crochet Rectangles


How to Crochet A Rectangle


Crochet rectangles are so useful! Bag bases, scarfs, pillow covers,punches, purses, clutches,  door mats…etc….all these can be made by using a basic rectangle pattern. And when you make a fabric collage of rectangles you can make garments, Afghans, baby blankets curtains, bedspreads…well almost anything… you well know crochet is flexible, adaptable and totally craft friendly….:-)


How to Hook a Crochet Rectangle

There are many patterns to make a crochet rectangle . Here I have shown three patterns

1. The Closed Pattern…very useful to make the base of a bag or if you want to make an afghan which is closely stitched.

2. Open Pattern: This is done in the 3 dc together stitch and is less time consuming than the closed pattern.

3. Granny Square: A much more open pattern and very easy to do….


Abbreviations Used:

ch – chain

dc – double crochet

ss – slip stitch


1. Closed Pattern 



To Begin With:


Hook in 14 chains plus 3( for the next row)


Round 1: 

DSC_9469 DSC_9470

DSC_9472 DSC_9474 DSC_9479

2 dcs in 4th chain; 2 ch; 2 dc in same chain as before; chain in 12 dc into each of the next chains ; chain 2, 3 dc in the 13th chain,  2 ch, 2dc in the same chain;

Now you have turned on to the opposite side of the chain link. Hook in 12dc into the next 12  chains; chain 2, 2dc; ss into 3rd chain of 3 chain .

Round 2: 

DSC_9488 DSC_9493 DSC_9495

Round 3:

3 chain up,  3 dc into 3 dc of previous stitch; *2dc in 2ch loop of previous row, 2 ch, 2dc as before*( This is your turning stitch).


Then 16 dc into the next 16 dc; Repeat **; 3 dc into 3 dc of previous stitch; Repeat **; Then 16 dc into the next 16 dc; Repeat **; ss into 3 ch of beginning 3 ch.

I am not doing the 3rd row as it is just  a repetition of the 2nd row but in each row the dcs will increase… keep the count.

2. 3 dc together  Pattern:

This is another pattern for the is a more open pattern.


3. Granny Square Pattern:

Granny Square pattern is very popular, and as you can see very easy to work out.


Here are some pics that I got from the net …just showing you how well this shape adapts to different projects.

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Different Kinds of Crochet rectangle patterns


Rectangle base for bag


Tunic Top worked in a rectangle

Patchwork Car Coat…Pattern form Lionbrand yarns

How to make a cushion cover using crochet rectangles

How to make a Granny rectangle from the crochet crowd.

And there you are……So Easy……..since I learnt it form the net and books….I never knew the significance of knowing to hook shapes….but 14 years on….I know now that crochet like any other art is best learnt step by step…first the stitches, then shapes and then onto projects incorporating these stitches and shapes. Once you get the basics in like this, you have the tools to create your own designs…and that’s where I want to take you…It took me ages to figure out all these things for myself…simplifying the process of learning is what I am trying to do for all who are interested.

Hope You will try this out and let me know how you found this lesson.