Monthly Archives: February 2017

Damaru ( An Indian drum)

DAMARU(Shiva’s celestial drum)


The damaru is very common throughout the Indian subcontinent. The damaru is known as a power drum, and when played, it is believed to generate spiritual energy. It is associated with the Hindu deity Shiva. It is believed that Sanskrit language was recognized by the drumbeats of the damaru (see Shiva Sutra for the sounds), and his performance of the cosmic dance of tandava. The damaru is used by itinerant musicians of all stripes, due to its small portable size.

For more information on the Damaru….Pls check out this blog post.



Materials Required

#20 Anchor thread in – Off white, light beige and brown

Hook #1.25mm

2 plastic cirlces or rounds cut out of a palstic mat(can use old table mats)

Polyfibre for stuffing

Two med sized beads…of any texture or colour


Make the base of the Damaru

Begin with the off white thread

Magic knot

First Round

sc into the magic knot ; ss

(total stitches 6)

When you hook in the scs remember to hook into both the loops of each sc.


Second Round

2 sc into each continue until end; ss

(total stitches 12)

Third Round

2 sc in first sc; 1sc in next; continue  end; ss

(total stitches 18)

Fourth Round

2 sc, 1 sc in each of the next 2 scs; continue until end; ss

(total stitches 24)

Fifth Round

2 sc, 1 sc in each of the next 3 scs; continue until end ; ss

(total stitches 30)

Cut the thread…and tuck it in.

We Now Begin the rim of the drum

 Add the light beige

 6th Round

2 sc, 1 sc in each of the next 4 scs; continue until end; ss

(total stitches 36)

7th Round

16931078_700065460180832_324601470_o 17015161_700065433514168_289564942_o

 Hook only in the front loop….until the end of the body of the damaru


1sc in each sc; until end; ss

(total stitches 36)

Cut the thread…and tuck it in.

Now we begin the body of the drum

Add the brown

8th Round

 Same as Round 7

(total stitches 36)

9th Round

 Same as Round 7

(total stitches 36)

Begin Decreasing

 10th Round

Reduce one sc every 4 stitches

(total stitches 30)

11th Round

Reduce 1 sc every 3 stitches

(total stitches 24)

12th Round

Reduce 1 sc every 2 stitches

(total stitches 18)

13th Round

 Reduce 1sc every 1sc

(total stitches 12)

14th Round

1 sc in each sc

(total stitches 12)

Now Begin the Increase

15th Round

  2sc in first sc; 1sc in next; continue until end ss

(total stitches 18)

16th Round

2 sc, 1 sc in each of the next 2 scs; continue until end; ss

(total stitches 24)

17th Round

 2 sc, 1 sc in each of the next 3 scs; continue until end; ss

(total stitches 30)

18th Round

 2 sc, 1 sc in each of the next 4 scs; continue until end; ss (total stitches 36)

19th & 20th Rounds

1 sc in each of the following sc

(total stitches 36)

Cut the brown thread…and tuck it in.

 We Now Begin the rim of the drum

 Add the light beige thread

21st Round

Same as round 20th

(total stitches 36)

Cut thread and finish off.

Cut two pastic  rounds slightly smaller than the bases you have made from the old plastic table mat .

Push one of these into the bottom of the damaru so that it stays firm and acts as a sturdy base.

Use enough Polyfibre to give the damaru some shape.

Make a second base and using a needle sew this base to the open portion of the damaru.

Now fix the second base onto the top of the opening of the damaru using a needle to sew it on.

Cut thread and tuck it in.

Now you have to make the thread of the damaru.

Using a needle create a zig zag stitch from one base of the damru to the other…..then turn the damru upside down and make another zig zag stitch the same way.

Fix two medium sized beads to a string and tie it in the middle of the damru..

Lo Behold…Bhagwan Shiva’s Damru is done….


Japanese Flower Motif Coasters

Japanese Flower Motif Coasters



These Motifs were just waiting to be made……And I went for it when A Dear Friend and talented crocheted Amanpreet Sokhi created a CAL for it.


Here is a graph of the Japanese Flower Motif…….





This Graph is slightly different…in the last row.



Here is a Russian blog with a pic tutorial……

Another Blog with a tutorial…


HAve fun doing this one..:-D!!